South side chicks airborne…

1 June 2022

The young peregrines, two of them, on the South side fledged yesterday, May 31. I was not there to see this, but my cronies were there. Jack and Petra Clayton, Gordon Robb, Jerry Pyle. 

Fledgling Photo by Jack and Petra Clayton

But today I was there at 7:30 AM.  Not one bird, adult or chick, would show up for two hours. After glassing the Rock, which seemed like forever, I found a young chick in a jumble of rocks, so camouflaged in its coloring.

A landing Photo by Jack and Petra Clayton

I must have passed over it two or three times. All we saw in six and a half hours of observation were the two adults and the one chick. I hope nothing is amiss. 

Time out Photo by Jack and Petra Clayton

Video of the North and South side pairs of Peregrine Falcons. Video by Petra Clayton.

I want to thank Jack and Petra for the photos in my absence.

Happy trails, Bob

About Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch

The Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch is here to inform birders, students and all people who are eager to know about these handsome peregrines. We want you to enjoy and be able to use our on-site powerful spotting scopes. We are available to answer your questions about the pair of falcons that have been observed for many years.
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2 Responses to South side chicks airborne…

  1. James says:

    Good job, Bob and your support team. Still traveling through Eastern Oregon but will be back on June 15th. Hopefully things will still be having then?

    • Mary Watt says:

      We’ve seen a lot of great action out there the last week or so, and today was no different. As we were leaving, we were able to watch two juveniles at play over the water, and when we went to get in our car at the Coleman Beach parking lot we watched as a juvenile attempted to take on a turkey vulture. Fortunately, the turkey vulture was extremely patient and was actually allowing the peregrine to “practice” a bit, by engaging a bit. What fun to see!

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