
5 November 2021

We want to give another scholarship! How about you?

Make a donation by visiting Bob at Morro Rock, sending us a check (address is at the bottom) or pressing the DONATE button to the right.

Our previous CalPoly Scholarship students wholeheartedly want us to give another scholarship too! We have heard from some of our Scholarship students recently and they know what a difference it makes. They are a great example of what your money has made possible.

Our first CalPoly Scholarship Student was Wren Thompson will be going to the University of Washington to get a Master of Arts in Museology.  You may know that museums make the world a better place by offering broad educational experiences. 

Our second scholarship student, Nicole Robin Durtschi, has been “working as a biologist at Oceano Dunes, with the breeding Snowy Plovers and Least Terns! It’s been a very unique experience, with plenty of challenges, but of course plenty of amazing experiences. Being able to watch chicks grow up is pretty incredible 🙂 And spending most days out on the beach has really helped me learn my shorebirds!” She is an avid birder now. I’d love to visit with her to learn about the Least Terns and Snowy Plovers this coming year.

With a look at two of our students that you have contributed to, I ask you to contribute now to our Cal Poly Scholarship by pressing the DONATE button ON THE RIGHT or sending us a check made out to PCPW and mailed to PCPW, 765 Center Ct., Morro Bay CA 93442.

Happy trails, Bob and Heather

About Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch

The Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch is here to inform birders, students and all people who are eager to know about these handsome peregrines. We want you to enjoy and be able to use our on-site powerful spotting scopes. We are available to answer your questions about the pair of falcons that have been observed for many years.
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