Questions and answers…

13 May 2020

I got a lot of questions from my last posting, “Cuatro Falco.” I’d like to thank all of you for your interest.

Question: When do you think they’ll fledge?

Answer: My original thoughts are based on my observations. These dates may be off on various incubation and hatching days. Based on my estimated incubation date, when the male starts sitting on the eggs which could happen at day or night possibly when I’m not there. With that in mind, fledging would be around June 1, 2020.  My guess now is that they are now 32 days old today. They normally fledge at 44 days old. So add 12 days and that would bring us to May 25. 

Question: Any thoughts that might favor a four chick brood?

Answer: None, all conditions seem to be normal.

Question: Do you think they will all make it?

Answer: Yes, they all look very healthy at 32 days old. Young are usually lost in the first week of life.

Happy trails, Bob

About Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch

The Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch is here to inform birders, students and all people who are eager to know about these handsome peregrines. We want you to enjoy and be able to use our on-site powerful spotting scopes. We are available to answer your questions about the pair of falcons that have been observed for many years.
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