Fifth Scholarship Student…

Alon Averbuj
Alon teaching students how to track condors with radio telemetry

Just recently, we found out who received our CalPoly scholarship which you contributed to by visiting Bob at Morro Rock and chipping into the jar your change and dollar bills, making a donation on line via our DONATE button or by using .

He is Alon Averbuj who had just graduated last December 2019 and had gone to San Diego.  We caught up with him and chatted via FaceTime one evening last week. Below he’s written up a bit to tell you about himself.

“I chose to study Biology, specifically with a concentration in Ecology, because since I was little I was completely captivated by David Attenborough films. I knew that I would never get bored studying animal and plant behavior, their interactions with each other and their surroundings. I began studying birds because my brother had recommended the ornithology class at Cal Poly to me. I immediately fell in love. I adored the process of learning bird calls, the intricacies of identifying different species, and the comfort of seeing a familiar bird in a new location. My initial goals were to become a researcher so that I could uncover the remarkable behaviors I used to watch in those movies and spark a passion for conservation in others.

I hope to extend the passion I have for birds and conservation into other taxa so that I can draw connections between more species. While I still want to study those behaviors, interactions, and conservation, I’ve decided that I want to become a professor in order to inspire students they way my incredible professors inspired me. Next year, I will be applying to PhD programs so that I can continue to feed my hunger for learning, and to eventually become a professor.

In my free time, I am an avid rock climber and surfer that loves chess, yoga, music, and friends.

I want to give so much thanks to the Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch, and all the donors who were able to make this scholarship possible. It reassured me that I am on my right path.”

Alon, a rock climber too!

Bob and Heather know he’d be a super teacher to share his love of Ecology, birds and any other animal he finds he’s drawn to. Now we wish him well going for his PhD !

We look forward to the time when he visits CalPoly again and hopefully wanders out to Morro Bay so we can chat with him again.  

Happy trails, Bob and Heather

About Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch

The Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch is here to inform birders, students and all people who are eager to know about these handsome peregrines. We want you to enjoy and be able to use our on-site powerful spotting scopes. We are available to answer your questions about the pair of falcons that have been observed for many years.
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One Response to Fifth Scholarship Student…

  1. James Zuur says:

    Congrats to both Bob and Heather for their support for coast peregrine watch and helping others with scholarships

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