Never too young to learn…

Never too young to learn...

The other day, sitting at the rock in my usual location, binoculars in hand, tripod and spotting scope mounted at the ready, I was approached by two young precocious youngsters with their parents.
The smaller of the two said, “I know what you’re looking at.”
“Really?” I replied, “What’s that?”
At the same time, brother and sister replied, “Peregrine falcons. They’re the fastest thing in the whole wide world.”
For the next few minutes they talked so fast telling me everything they knew about falcons, I could hardly follow them.
Looking at my album with many photographs that I didn’t take, the five-year-old Willem said, “ Don’t you have one in a stoop? That’s a dive you know, like this.” He jumped up and held his arms back along his sides with his head down and said, “Like this!”
I replied, “Keep looking through the album, you’ll see one.”
The older sister, Hazel, six years old said “Like this!”
Willem said, “No! Faster!”
They were so cute and animated. They knew more than most adults that passed by here. They left after I gave them both photos of the falcon, Willem’s in a stoop like he wanted. Needless to say they were thrilled.
Two days later they returned with a gift I will treasure, their drawings of the falcons which I entered into the photo album where they will remain.
Happy trails, Bob
P.S. This is education; this is what we do. ~Heather

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Back in the saddle again…

Back in the saddle again...
Photo by Cleve Nash

8:19 AM, 4 January 2013
First observation of copulation this year.
This is the start of her twelfth season. More to come.

Happy trails, Bob

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Rare find…

Rare find...

After thousands of birders, twitchers and shutterbugs from a dozen states have worn out the streets of a little roadside hamlet called Santa Claus Lane, well, he’s not so rare any more. The bird I’m speaking of, a juvenile Gray Hawk (Asturina nitida), put this little burg on the map. Cleve Nash, our contributing photographer extraordinaire had filmed this hawk several times in the last few weeks, but like a true naturalist couldn’t get a shot without a man-made structure in the photo which he detests vehemently. The shot you see here was taken after he flew from a chain-linked post to a rock behind a 6 foot chain-linked fence. Hand-held he focused though one of the small squares in the fence and bingo! This is the first recorded sighting of a gray hawk in California. They are normally in Mexico, sometimes frequent in southwest Texas and New Mexico areas.
Happy trails, Bob

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“Doris” landing…

Photo by Steve Medway
We would like to share with you a photograph from a visitor to “the Rock” who was birding around the beautiful Central Coast and happened upon “Doris,” the migrating female peregrine falcon, home unknown. She winters here from October to March in a cypress tree behind Back Bay Inn at Baywood Park, California. This has been her fourth year to winter here. She is called “Doris” because she frequently perches in a eucalyptus tree near the corner of Doris and Mitchell Streets.
Thanks, Steve.

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Rolling stock revival…

Rolling stock revival...

Photo by Cleve Nash

For some time now my friend and associate, Cleve Nash, and I have been making small snide remarks, not in public of course about the south side tiercel and how much of a wuss he has been over the last couple of years, aka “Caspar Milquetoast.” Compared to the north side tiercel who is fierce and formidable and will attack almost anything, either by himself or with his mate. He is absolutely fearless. For the most part, these falcon pairs stay on their respective sides of the rock. However, in the past, I have seen the north side male for one reason or another make a high speed “hero run” across the south face of Morro Rock to attract the south side tiercel into giving chase. He might make a weak effort to engage with a lot of squealing, then break off and hide in the nest site, still making a lot of noise, trying to get the female to take up the chase, which she will sometimes do.
The south side pair of falcons has been spending a lot of time around the face of Morro Rock where they are not visible to us part of the time. Since my last posting, titled “Touch and go…” dated December 5, 2012, there has been a drastic change in behavior of the south side tiercel. As of yet, we have not seen another attempt at copulation, but it does not mean they have not been fooling around where we can’t see them. I think it to be the latter.
Eddie Murphy said “That stuff will make you crazy!”
For the last few days, Mr. Milquetoast thinks he is Rambo chasing Red-tail Hawks and making a grab at them instead of breaking off and going to hide some place.
Cleve was shooting this sequence with his 500mm Canon and said “ Bob, it’s the female.” And I said “It’s the tiercel, he’s small.” Cleve had been looking through the eye piece and didn’t get the same perspective. He said to me “It couldn’t be the tiercel, he is too chicken s!#!%* to do that” Then he brought up the photo on the display of the camera and enlarged it and said “You’re right, Bob. It is the male!”
The coup de grâce came high over the rock. My eye caught a glimpse of two falcons at high speed going over the top and down the ocean front face of the rock where I lost sight for a second, then coming straight at me at very high speed were two small male falcons about 30 feet off the deck. Passing in front of you at that speed will get your heart started, but as the lead falcon banked around the north side, the other that had given chase banked to the right in a victory roll and returned to the “diving board” nest site.
Happy trails, Bob
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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To our many readers out there, we would like to invite you to contribute photos and text of falcons that you watch wherever you may live. With your permission, we will post them to share with everyone. Please describe your photo, include photo credit, your name. We will be able to pick up your email address in your comment information and proceed from there keeping your email information private.

We would love to hear from you.

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Touch and go…

Touch and go...

Photo by Cleve Nash

I think I have mentioned several times before that the peregrines begin their mating in December. Well, this is December and “The dew is on the punkin’.” And early this morning the tiercel made his first attempt with her and without much success.
Rejected! Just look at the face she is showing him. I spent the rest of the day waiting for another interlude, but he didn’t return. Probably off sulking somewhere. Well, tomorrow is another day. I hope a lucky day for him.
Happy trails, Bob
P.S. Thanks to Cleve Nash for his early bird schedule.

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A seed planted…

A seed planted….

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A seed planted…

A seed planted...

Photo by Heather O’Connor

A young “Bay Area” birder came by today, opened the back of the family van and pulled out a tripod and spotting scope. I barely recognized the hat he was wearing through all the buttons and bird patches, but the Peregrine Watch logo was still there. He was about eight or nine when I gave it to him and already a seasoned birder since kindergarten always with his field guide. He’s thirteen, still birding, but like any other youngster, other things come into their lives, sports, school, soon it will be girls.
I don’t know if the parents planted the seed or it just blew in on the wind, but they nurtured and cultivated it and did a wonderful job. I would like to think I might have watered it once.
Thank you, Andrew, for making my story feel good. And to Ronny, Ann and Amy Tey who let the seed mature.
Happy trails, Bob

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Bob with the Tey Family

Bob with the Tey Family

Photo by Heather O’Connor

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