Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival 2025…

Friday, January 24, 2025

Bob and Jerry set up early waiting for the visiting birders in groups to arrive.
Bob Isenberg, Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival 2025

I know our last posting had some dismal news regarding our Peregrine Falcons at Morro Rock. We were getting concerned that we would be making a lot of excuses at the 2025 Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival, January 16th through the 20th. However, on January 15th, we had a very good day sighting both male and female falcons flying and perching for extended periods. That lifted our spirits.

Our site at the Festival was a “Stop and Scope” affair. We set up four scopes and lots of chairs for people to stay and view as long as they wished. Our birds did not disappoint. Both of them showing up multiple times each day.

At times , we had as many as six scopes and two cameras set up. We welcomed as many as five tour groups each of the four days as well as the general public which totaled 100-150 viewers per day.

As you might imagine, between setting up, tearing down, setting and re-setting scopes as the birds changed perches throughout the day and talking to so many people, we were exhausted by the end of the Festival.

We are now back to our regular schedule, ten to two o’clock, with both falcons gracing us with their presence daily. What we have not seen yet is the breeding, which at this point is about two weeks later than in past years. They could be breeding somewhere else out of our visual field. We are seeing them for extended periods and would likely see some “action.”

Jerry Pyle and Bob Isenberg on normal duty

That’s it for now. Observations contributed by Jerry Pyle.

Happy trails, Bob and Jerry

About Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch

The Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch is here to inform birders, students and all people who are eager to know about these handsome peregrines. We want you to enjoy and be able to use our on-site powerful spotting scopes. We are available to answer your questions about the pair of falcons that have been observed for many years.
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3 Responses to Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival 2025…

  1. Robin Morris says:

    Wonderful news! I’m so glad your birds are back and behaving as they should to entertain you both! Enjoy your lovely weather!

  2. James Zuur says:

    You guys are great! Morro Bay is lucky to have both of you and your dedication to the Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch!!!

  3. glenn olson says:

    Great stuff….so glad you guys are there helping people become aware and appreciate these birds….it is an inspiring story of recovery of some amazing birds….so hopeful…..grateful you are there

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