Press the AmazonSmile button!
Amazon Smile is making a donation to us because some of you have used the AmazonSmile button on the right side of our page. AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible AmazonSmile items and there’s no cap on how much they will donate. $5.79 was the total during the period of July 1 and September 30, 2014. Well, that was painless wasn’t it? Think of what you could do by the end of December. Thank you!
Our effort to be one of the big nonprofits that Pacific Eye would contribute to has not been possible. Below is the group of organizations that they have chosen. It seems we are too small even though we are a dedicated bunch who care immensely about the existence and life cycles of peregrines, especially those who live in Morro Bay.
We do appreciate your efforts to put our name in the pool of nonprofits. Thank you.
The community nominated through Pacific Eye Gives Back Challenge dozens of amazing organizations for the contest, and the physicians came together to select causes close to their hearts and important to the communities they serve.
The top ten were:
•Big Brothers Big Sisters of SLO County
•Court Appointed Special Advocates of SLO County (CASA)
•Food Bank Coalition of SLO County, Children’s Programs
•Noor Foundation
•San Luis Obispo Museum of Art
•Stoked 2 Surf
•The Land Conservancy of SLO County
•Transitions Mental Health Association
•Women’s Shelter Program of SLO County
•Woods Humane Society
Reminder: New subscribers to our Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch (PCPW) website, please, consider clicking on the AmazonSmile button to make a painless contribution to our efforts when you purchase items though AmazonSmile selecting PCPW as your designated nonprofit.
Peace and love, Heather
Love the photo! and Yes I have been using my Amazon Smile for holiday shopping!
Thanks for using AmazonSmile, Pam. Kat Mokry is a Wildlife Biology student at CalPoly who took several fine photos of peregrines. One of her photos was the unfortunate peregrine that was tangled in fisherman’s monofilament and died. A lesson to fishermen to dispose of their monofilament properly. There is always something to be learned.~Heather
What was the 5 big dark birds I saw cruising arond Morro Rock on Tuesday ? They were frighting and looked like they were looking for trouble. They were there quite a long time. They were dark grey with a black strip on their tail feathers. Don’t think they were Perigrens as they seemed too large. Thanks Linda a fellow bird watcher.
There have been a number of Turkey Vultures soaring over Morro Rock in the breezes. You may identify them by the dihedral wing formation. That is a “v” shape. The wing tips are held slightly higher than the body while cruising, not to be confused with large hawks and eagles which appear flat. ~Heather and Bob