Something worthwhile…

peregrine, Morro Bay, CA, chicks

Peregrine chick

We are creating a scholarship fund for college students in ornithology. Our first effort is to give you the option of choosing our organization when you visit and make purchases from Amazon.  We will receive .05% of your purchase price from  Amazon Smile. It sounds like a tiny bit, but many of you doing this will give students the benefit of helping hand in college.


All you have to do is press the button to the right and select “Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch” from their list.  We have our 501(c)(3) status as an educational nonprofit organization. We would be very grateful if you would choose us when shopping on Amazon.

Happy trails, Bob & Heather

Item: I am working on  getting the button to fit onto our web page a little bit better. Please be patient.  ~Heather


About Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch

The Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch is here to inform birders, students and all people who are eager to know about these handsome peregrines. We want you to enjoy and be able to use our on-site powerful spotting scopes. We are available to answer your questions about the pair of falcons that have been observed for many years.
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2 Responses to Something worthwhile…

  1. Sue says:

    Delighted! As a person who spends a fortune with Amazon, I am really happy to be sharing with you guys. Good choice. Good work.

    • Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch says:

      Hi Sue,
      We appreciate you making this choice to support our efforts to raise funds for our student scholarship. You were the first that we know of on our WordPress website. My sis signed up on my Facebook page. Thanks very much! ~Heather & Bob

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