All was not lost…

4th of July 2012  Due to a barricade on the road out to the rock, we were not able to check on the peregrines. All was not lost though.  This barrier gave me an opportunity to take a camera and search out the recently found juvenile Great Horned Owls. Cleve Nash had gone out again to record their activities.  I made my best efforts taking some still shots and a few snippets of video. Isn’t technology wonderful?

How difficult it was to really see the owls amidst the eucalyptus tree trunks and branches. Their coloring and markings made for perfect camouflage among the peeling bark, green leaves, gnarly twigs, light and shadows. I hope you’ll enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoyed searching them out.    ~Heather

About Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch

The Pacific Coast Peregrine Watch is here to inform birders, students and all people who are eager to know about these handsome peregrines. We want you to enjoy and be able to use our on-site powerful spotting scopes. We are available to answer your questions about the pair of falcons that have been observed for many years.
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